While law enforcement is our main focus, we also give to firefighters, EMTs, those who serve in the military, and others who have dangerous jobs.

Saint Michael the Archangel is the patron saint of police officers. No medal offers protection of itself.  It is God who protects through the intercession of Saint Michael and his angels. This protection is invoked by faith and prayer, all we have to do is ask.

Archbishop Hebda has bestowed God’s blessing on the medals. They are a sacramental so please treat them respectfully.

Archbishop Hebda blessing St. Michael
the Archangel medals.
Archbishop Hebda with Paul and Ruth Laursen.
Dave Hrbacek, The Catholic Spirit

Since 2016 more than 32,000 medals have been distributed!

Fire Fighters / EMTs
Police Departments
Medals Distributed

Hear what officers around the country are saying...

"I believe that with age comes a greater sense of spiritual belief and compassion for your fellow man. What I personally experienced yesterday was very moving for me. What you’re doing is truly amazing."
Chief of Police
"Thank you for providing light to myself and other officers. Gestures such as yours encourage me and remind me of God’s great grace and love for all of us."
Police Officer
"I just wanted to share my gratitude on your St Michael medal gift. It is a great feeling knowing people are looking out and praying for us for what we do!"
"Thank you so much for the St. Michael medals, and for doing this for so many officers. You are giving such great witness through your works. God bless you and may He continue to give you grace and strength as you touch so many lives."
Patrol Officer

It has been an honor for my husband and I to travel to law enforcement departments around the country.  We have witnessed the dedication and commitment they have to serving their communities and we appreciate their sacrifices. Please pray that they stay safe.

Paul and Ruth Laursen in Zumbrota, MN
with Zumbrota Police Chief Patrick Callahan
Photos of medals by Nicole Engstrom,
Little Mac Design

The Saint Michael Project

Serving the Men and Women who Risk their lives to Keep us Safe

“Thank you for your prayers and donations to support this worthy cause!”

Paul and Ruth Laursen

Prayer to St. Michael

St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle; be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil.  May God rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
